A bold and energetic mixed-use community in the heart of Surrey City Centre, driven by a clear purpose: to connect people through human-centric design.

set to soar

Nearly 3,600 homes create an expansive community full of people-powered energy, while a vibrant public plaza attracts a diverse range of visitors. As the city evolves, shops and services will create an even stronger community, bringing dynamic convenience and abundance to Georgetown.

a complete community is an understatement

89,000 square feet of retail and restaurants

40,000 square feet of office space

This emerging neighbourhood will give businesses an opportunity to grow, and support established businesses to reach new heights. New eateries, open public spaces and activated streets stimulate the senses, appealing to diverse tastes with a fresh urban spirit at its core.


Over 15,000 square feet of retail spaces at the base of Georgetown’s inaugural tower. This is your opportunity to shape the character of Georgetown and build rapport with locals and visitors from day one.

now leasing

become part of something big

Diana Davidson

Call: 604.449.2427
Email: ddavidson@anthemproperties.com


Ryan Hall

Call: 604.235.3174
Email: rhall@anthemproperties.com